Your Starsign


June 22 - July 23

Today's Horoscope for Saturday September 14th

Don't go leaping into a tricky situation too hastily and then find you don't want to see it through to the end. The Moon across the zodiac from your sign means you could lose motivation and courage before you finish. You will have to double check all arrangements meticulously. There may be muddles around travel or holiday plans, now or in the future. Sort it out at this stage though you may not feel too much like tackling practical projects. If someone has made a mistake then be kind not critical.

The Weekly Outlook from 09th September

Because you see the truth of certain situations clearly you may be coming across as critical in coming days. Try to add tact to honesty, and make it obvious to mates that you don't mean to cause harm. Luckily after midweek Jupiter will lift your spirits and leave you feeling good about life. If you can push one pet project further by making an effort, you will find whatever you touch works out faster and more easily than you expected.

Your Monthly Horoscope for September

Racing around, multi-tasking like mad, you'll be chatting constantly and rarely standing still. You will need to streamline your efficiency and manage your time better unless you are to end up running in circles. You'll also need to communicate clearly if you want to get your views across which means slowing down once in a while to collect your scattered wits. Especially since Mars will will rev up the action as it buzzes into your sign from the 4th to stay for several weeks. You won't take kindly to delays, distractions or anyone who gets in your way and will express your opinions forcefully. A little tact will be more persuasive though difficult to muster up. Contradictory influences will find you flying high with optimism one moment and the exact opposite the next. Try not to go to extremes of negative or positive but tread a middle path. The Lunar Eclipse of the 18th will find you yearning for far distant places or adventures to lift you out of your everyday ruts. Give yourself a break in the final week and snuggle down at home with loved ones. You need a breather and a chance to reflect.

and Next Month's Horoscope for October

Always a home and family loving sign, you will be particularly sensitive to the Libra Solar Eclipse of the 2nd falling in your chart area of roots and domesticity. You know that changes are overdue to bring you the comfort and security you want for the future so pushing ahead to make adjustments in practical as well as emotional ways will be a help. Popular out on the social scene you'll be centre of attention and attracting compliments and positive response for your exuberant manner. Behind the scenes you will also have relaxing moments, getting more comfortable with your own company at times and putting certain past concerns into perspective. After midmonth your mischievous sense of humour will keep loved ones and friends entertained and boost your popularity. A difference of opinion with a close partner around the 22nd will be resolved quickly if you back off and find a compromise. More fun and laughter will fill your final week.

Year Ahead 2024

A self-protective sign, you often hide your vulnerabilities and mood swings away from general view. But you are moving into a phase in 2024 where detaching from your feelings to stand back and take a considered view will be easier than in the past. Pluto the planet of transformation moving into the deepest, most confidential area of your chart will guide you through changing times where your old values, financial and emotional are being swept away and replaced with better. You will need to compromise since you won't get it all your own way which does not mean you have to give in completely. You will be negotiating for agreements which are fair to all. This won't happen overnight but will require perseverance, tact and strategy. Fun and enthusiastic friends will be around as a supportive distraction until May. After that you will find you cherish more time in your own company to reflect, put the past into perspective and be at peace. You will find an inner strength you never knew you possessed with sudden insights and inspiration bringing you confidence.