Your Starsign


August 24 - September 23

Today's Horoscope for Saturday September 14th

Maybe you will feel like clinging onto loved ones or friends but it won't be wise. Have your entertainment and enjoyment without pinning them down, otherwise they may want to skip off elsewhere. If you are honest with Neptune in your opposite sign you will be unsure what you want your commitments and responsibilities in close partnerships to be. Those closest to you are in exactly the same frame of mind. Try to reach better understandings.

The Weekly Outlook from 09th September

With Mercury now in your own sign until the 26th you will be quick witted and at times outspoken, so you will need to pause to think before you speak. Mates could be startled by your direct comments. Happily your mood will mellow after midweek and you'll find there are silver linings in tricky situation. You'll cheer up and move into an upbeat mood. With morale-boosting support from friends you'll be out an about and on the receiving end of praise and recognition.

Your Monthly Horoscope for September

Your birthday Sun until the 22nd will find you on good form, outgoing, confident, keen to get cracking with new schemes. Forward-looking and determined you'll be supported by energetic friends who will ensure you are not looking backwards over your shoulder or getting stuck in a rut. There will be differences of opinion and heated discussions but out of the end of it all you will feel reassured that you are moving in the right direction. A close partner may be distanced or critical, or perhaps just separated by circumstances, but you will need to curb your temptation to get negative or gloomy. There will be good news on the career front or in your community activities. So best to count your blessings and take the rough with the smooth. The Lunar Eclipse of the 18th is extra important for you since it falls in your opposite sign of Pisces. One relationship will be under review and you won't know what to do for the best - to cooperate or cast yourself loose. Try not to make instant, impulsive decisions since they won't be the right ones. Into the final week money will be on your mind, making it and spending it. Thoughtful gestures from everyday companions will make you feel appreciated.

and Next Month's Horoscope for October

Taking the initiative over money matters will bring results where going on a wing and a prayer will not. You may need to push yourself to get a grip and move into top gear but your future peace of mind and security will benefit from direct action in the coming months. Energetic friends may be a touch forceful at times but they will keep you moving forwards, sorting out a long term gameplan and ensure you don't backslide and get stuck in the past. You will be successful with several tasks or projects to boost your morale as recognition and praise come your way. Thoughtful gestures from everyday mates at work and out in the neighbourhood will also keep you smiling. From mid month onwards you'll be racing around, chatting constantly and also taking time out to relax at home with loved ones. Finding the right balance between head and heart, duty and emotional contentment will focus your attention as the month draws to a close.

Year Ahead 2024

Your head will be bubbling with grand plans and adventurous schemes as you step boldly into 2024. Your dreams and visions may have to stay that way for a few months but after midyear favourable circumstances will open new doors and provide opportunities to test several of them out. Let your enthusiasm carry you along and you've no idea where you might land. The only proviso is not to over-push yourself by taking on too many commitments. Review your lifestyle and work out physically what will keep your stamina at optimum levels and your vitality in good shape. Then you will be in a position to tackle any area of your life that feels stuck or broken down and fix it. Close relationships will continue to be confusing and a touch cool at times. Part of the problem being that you really don't know what you want to commit yourself to in the time ahead. But tried and trusted partners will remain loyal. Taking the initiative with money from April onwards will bring results where ambling along hoping for the best won't. Be pro-active and aim to improve your security. After late May you'll be delighted by the admiration and appreciation coming your way. Almost anything you tackle will work out better than you expect and that will continue to be the case well into 2025 as well. By the time the October Eclipse comes round you'll know the time to alter the way you share, care and cooperate whether over money or with emotional partners has come. It won't happen overnight but taking small steps in that direction will pay off.