Your Starsign


April 21 - May 20

Today's Horoscope for Saturday September 14th

In a restless mood you won't want to settle down to anything requiring concentration. But why should you? Let your imagination soar. Compromise will not come easily to you. You will be tolerant as long as everyone gives you a good deal of elbow room. But you will as easily be unco-operative and brusque if you feel you are having to toe anyone else's line. One problem is you won't want commit yourself to one plan in case a better one turns up round the next corner.

The Weekly Outlook from 09th September

Loved ones and friends will secretly admire your courage for being so outspoken, though at times they wonder about your lack of caution. Still nothing ventured, nothing gained as far as you are concerned at the moment. After midweek you'll be feeling generous and you want to be surrounded by companions who are as upbeat as yourself. You will be morale-boosting like mad and doing whatever it is you can to make sure everyone's confidence is being lifted.

Your Monthly Horoscope for September

Throwing caution to the winds, you'll head for fun, enjoyment, entertainment and even sporting activities for the first three weeks. You will be outgoing, attention-seeking and keeping everyone you meet amused. Loved ones and children will rally round and you won't go short of compliments or invitations. An extra-busy everyday schedule will keep you running and at times outspoken if you meet delays. You won't appreciate being slowed down or distracted. But your go-ahead approach will produce results along with fast progress. One friendship will be going through a few uncertain moments as other activities and duties get in the way with a few miscommunications and muddled messages as well. If you stay calm all will be resolved. Your confidence with money will be inspiring though getting over hopeful and unrealistic won't be sensible if it upsets the budget. The Eclipsed Full Moon on the 18th will prompt you to spread your favours widely, including mates as well as loved ones in your orbit. Sorting out long term plans will also be wise no matter how tempting playing away the day is. Hard work will run alongside social fun in the final days.

and Next Month's Horoscope for October

Getting a new fitness regime under way for the coming months will be the prompt of the Libra Solar Eclipse on the 2nd. It'll be the perfect time to start a new diet or exercise plan since you'll be motivated and keen to get streamlined and charged-up energy-wise for the time ahead. Part of what needs to happen is a rethink of your work or chore schedule as well. Getting efficient and better organised will save your stamina getting drained with unnecessary tasks. Close relationships will be affectionate and you'll be in demand out on the social scene with compliments and invitations coming your way. Money will also roll through to lift your spirits. Your spending will rise so you may not end up with much surplus but you'll have fun. Relationships will be your priority as the month wears on. Being flexible and understanding the other point of view will help.

Year Ahead 2024

2024 will be your year for getting a grip and ensuring you can steer your own ship through whichever canal you choose to travel. Admittedly you may have to confront some resistance from companions who are not on your wavelength but being an enduring and, dare I say it, stubborn sign you are unlikely to be distracted. You may not instantly fall on the best solution to your demand for a meaningful way of life in terms of work and direction, so you will need to persevere. Try, try, try again and if one option does not produce results, cut your losses and try an alternative. There may be the odd standoff about who has the upper hand and the last word, so you will be better to adopt a new approach, more persuasive than forceful. Whatever else happens your optimism and enthusiasm will stay intact since you know luck is behind you. From June onwards more money will come your way to allow for treats in the months ahead. Though if you go wild spending you may not save much of your good fortune. The Eclipses will focus your attention on finding a balance between hard work and relaxation. All duty and not enough quality time for yourself to wind down and reflect won't produce optimum results. Continuing on from last year, you will be hanging on to old, tried and trusted friends and finding your circle smaller than before. As the year closes you will be aware that you have settled into a better gear, with fewer questions and more answers firmly in place.