Your Starsign


October 23 - November 22

Today's Horoscope for Saturday September 14th

If you can speak to companions in considered, they're likely to connect better. But you will be whizzing around at speed here and there in a lively way. Check out in advance whether what you're doing is necessary. If you rush too fast you won't think the consequences of your words through and emotional muddles will be difficult to clear up. But your sympathy will be obvious and your sense of mystery will attract romantic admirers. Be creative rather than practical.

The Weekly Outlook from 09th September

With Mercury in the sign after your mid heaven in coming days you will be open to new ideas, especially ones likely to upset others, because you will have a rebellious streak. You will have the courage of your convictions and will not be swayed by criticism. Midweek you will be feeling good physically and psychologically. There will be enthusiasm and optimism in the air and your positive outlook will be persuasive and keep you popular.

Your Monthly Horoscope for September

You may feel you are trying to sail ahead with an anchor dragging. The Virgo Sun will bid you focus on the horizon and sort out longer term plans with the reassuring support of good friends. While Mars stuck in the deepest part of your chart says old obligations need to be honoured and compromise agreements reached before you will be free to give your full attention to what comes next. You will be expressing your opinions with enthusiasm, sometimes a touch too forcefully. Treading lightly and aiming for gentle persuasion will work faster and ruffle fewer feathers. Loved ones may be acting erratically, making demands on you one moment and being evasive the next. You may feel under- appreciated until affectionate and indulgent Venus moves into your own sign after the 23rd. Thereafter you'll be a hit out on the social circuit, attracting compliments and invitations. Your schedule will be less demanding so you should have a chance to relax and enjoy.

and Next Month's Horoscope for October

A hidden Solar Eclipse opens the month so you'll be inward looking, exploring the past for answers to present dilemmas and for clues about how to plot a different path ahead. There will be no instant flashes of enlightenment. This will be a process lasting several months. Luckily inspiration will come from Jupiter moving through the deepest area of your chart into 2025 which will make the transition into a better future easier than you expect. Along the way it should also bring more money and generous support. Your head will be rattling with ambitious schemes and grand plans and you'll be spreading your passionate opinions in all directions. Travel will be on your agenda since you'll be keen to broaden your horizons. After mid month you'll be rewarding yourself with treats and indulgences. Your birthday Sun from the 22nd will find you in good spirits as you attract attention from everyone you encounter.

Year Ahead 2024

The support on one close partner will continue on into 2024 giving you a warm glow of optimism as you view the road ahead. Socially you will be in demand for your knack of making everyone you encounter feel special and encouraged. Your talent as a morale booster won't go unnoticed. Keen to resolve family differences and make changes to your domestic set up, you will be setting out a long term plan to ensure you are building solid emotional foundations for the future. Certain relationships within your close circle will be tricky so it will require a revised approach over time. There will be no instant solutions but leaving old assumptions behind and coming to terms with a new reality will help to smooth out a few wrinkles. You may also be involved in practical domestic reorganisation or improvement schemes. From April it will be important not to over commit yourself with projects since you need a chance to recharge your batteries and have time for a sensible get-fit regime as well as work. After June you will notice a stream of generosity coming your way either in money or in support or both. Making the transition into the future and leaving the past behind will be easier than you expect. You will also be dropping your emotional defences and drawing closer to the right people. Throughout the year you may find as last year that your social life is hard work and requires effort. So by October take the hint and give yourself quiet time to rest, relax and recharge your batteries.